Perubahan Investasi PMA Terbaru

Perubahan investasi PMA baru saja disahkan seiring dengan niat pemerintah untuk meningkatkan jumlah investasi asing. Adanya investasi asing di Indonesia tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi ekonomi rakyat melainkan juga baik bagi perputaran keuangan negeri. Namun tentunya...

Business for PMA in Indonesia

Business for PMA in Indonesia has had better opportunities in this recent years with the government pushing for more foreign investments. Various business incentives were introduced, and online platforms were introduced to cater to foreign investment needs. With the...

Industry for PMA in Indonesia

Industry for PMA in Indonesia has various regulations that may prove to be troublesome for companies in the future. The government restricts risky or strategic industries, allowing only local investments. Some of those industries include energy and food sources. The...

Virtual Office for PMA

Virtual office for PMA is now a popular concept. Many foreign entrepreneurs use a virtual office for business addresses as it is more economical. Also, it is a relatively new modern office solution that forgoes physical working space. Entrepreneurs will need to rent a...