The Best Office for PT PMA in Indonesia

 Office for PT PMA is one of the main concerns for foreign companies establishing their presence in the country. Be it a representative office or a limited company, having an office is part of the requirements. However, renting an office is not a simple decision....

Details on PT PMA Operations in Indonesia

PT PMA operations in Indonesia have to abide by the local regulations. The regulations function as both a guideline as well as a law to keep companies from committing illicit activities. As a guideline, these regulations help companies to know which obligations they...

The Benefits of PT PMA for Indonesian Economy

The Benefits of PT PMA in Indonesia is a lot. It is also the reason for the Indonesian government’s decision to create more incentives for foreign investors. The recently introduced Omnibus Law is one of the examples. The law heavily stresses incentives to welcome...

Understanding PT PMA Ownership in Indonesia

PT PMA ownership in Indonesia can be a little tricky. It is important to understand that to be able to conduct business in Indonesia, entrepreneurs must have a legal business entity. In Indonesia, there are two types of companies which are a local company and foreign...
Mendirikan PT PMA di Indonesia

Mendirikan PT PMA di Indonesia

Indonesia adalah negara yang mendapatkan julukan surganya para investor. Hal ini dikarenakan, Indonesia menjadi pasar potensial sebagai pilihan dalam berinvestasi. Keberhasilan peningkatan investasi di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari upaya pemerintah saat ini yang...